Fadly Sabran (b.1983 Perak) is a Media Artist, Researcher and Lecturer at Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Technology MARA Perak, Malaysia. Graduated Master in Visual Art and Design, University Sains Malaysia, Penang .Bachelor (hons) Degree & Diploma in Fine Art from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam & Seri Iskandar. He is a founder and Director at Kapallorek Art Space (2014-now) and members of group SOsound Experimental Performance Art (2007-2012). Working with media art for a decade and has participated in numerous group exhibitions and Sound Performance both locally and internationally. His work incorporate media art & technology including painting, video, sound, light, kinetic, interactive and installation. He is currently active as an organizer and curated several experimental exhibition at Kapallorek Art Space. His collective Involved in many collaboration projects across the region. Recently in 2017, h...
Interdisciplinary Arts