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13 JULY - 3 OCTOBER 2010

GALERI PETRONAS presents a glimpse of Malaysian art’s future with Young Malaysian Artist – New Objec(tion). Brash, edgy and exciting, this invitational exhibition by the gallery features 40 new works by 40 young artists aged between 25 years to 45 years of age who have had their works shown and published in recent years. Names of note include Haslin Ismail, Liew Cheng Hua, Mohamed Fadly Sabran, Noor Azizan Abdul Rahman Paiman, Samsudin Wahab and Tan Nan See, who are already making waves in the local art scene.

The exhibition highlights the range of mediums and innovations that are being employed by contemporary young artists today. They challenge traditional aesthetics through their methodology and philosophical concerns in response to the world around them. Such attitude is marked by a complete openness towards the materials and processes with which art can be made and the form that it can take.
Offering a glimpse of things to come in Malaysian art, viewers can expect groundbreaking new ideas, expressions and innovations through a smorgasbord of new video art, photography, installation, sculpture, and of course, the conventional painting.

Curated by GALERI PETRONAS, the exhibition intends to identify the direction of these artists, providing cues to future trends within the Malaysian art movement. YMA:New Object(ion) is one segment of GALERI PETRONAS’ ‘Celebrate Malaysia’ themed exhibitions in conjunction with the nation’s 53rd anniversary and opens on 13 July 2.


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