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Showing posts from November, 2016


SOUTHEAST ASIA GROUP EXCHANGE RESIDENCY (SAGER) KUALA LUMPUR-JOGJAKARTA-MANILA DATE: 15 NOV - 31 DEC 2016 VENUE: GALERI 3A & 3B, BALAI SENI VISUAL NEGARA, KL SAGER: Ties of Tenggara is a group exhibition featuring the alumni of an art group exchange programme involving artists from several Asean countries. The programme was created to provide a platform for young artists to interact and build a regional art connection. Co-organised by HOM Art Trans and the National Visual Arts Gallery, this exhibition involves a number of young contemporary artists, namely, Azam Aris, Suddin Lappo, Ching Kim Chiew, Zelin Seah and Fadly Sabran from Malaysia; Choiruddin, Wisnuaji Putu, Iqro’ Ahmad, Andi Ramdani, Nugroho Heri Cahyono and Didik Wahyu Setiawan from Indonesia;  and Tristram Miravalles, Guenivere Decena, Mervin Pimentel, Carlo ‘Caloy’ Gernale, Christopher Zamora, Zean Cabangis, Amer Mira and Iggy Rodriguez from the Philippines. During the period of this exhibition also the...